Ludovic Dussarrat
I specialize in painting and drawing forests and landscapes on paper, often working in series that explore the concept of repetition. My creative process involves experimenting with various techniques, including oils, oil sticks, soft pastels, and colored pencils. For me, the subject matter serves as a mere starting point for artistic expression and exploration rather than a faithful representation of reality. Themes such as the power and fragility of nature, silence, and solitude deeply resonate with me, as do notions of presence, soul, and melancholic restlessness. In addition to traditional mediums, I also create digital artwork using my tablet. Similar to lithographs, I limit the editions of my digital pieces to 10 copies, each printed on high-quality art paper. Whether I’m sketching outdoors, immersed in the vastness of the landscape, or working meticulously in the studio with oils, each approach offers its own unique rhythm and depth to my artistic practice.